Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Sky's the Limit

I happen to know one one the best bush pilots in Alaska personally. His name is Ken Bellows and he's been flying in Alaska longer than anyone can remember. He has a perfect record, not a single crash, which is really saying something considering how dangerous the weather and terrain are out here. Aside from being an excellent pilot, Ken's a pretty good guy. His hotshot days are over, but he still likes to stretch his wings and have some fun.

Ken is Air Sitka, or I guess you could say Air Sitka is Ken. He's also the owner/operator of Fly In Fish Inn, where I was employed for my last year in Sitka. Ken and I have been through some battles in the business together and there's a lot of respect between us. So it was of little surprise when he asked me if I'd like to bring the kids and get up in the air with him. Today was the first really nice day in nearly two weeks, so the kids and I went over and had breakfast before climbing into the float plane and taking a little tour. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves...

Take off

Compact controls

Backside of Verstovia

The new Blue Lake Dam extension


Green Lake

Sitka, AK

Rocky Gutierrez International Airport

Sweet ride

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